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About us

h1. About us
h4. Welcome! h4. This online store is the virtual extension of FARMANATURA Drugstore, Forlì (FC) Italy . h4. Our intention, through this e-shop, is to bring to your home the same service that we give to our store daily, offering you the opportunity to make profitable purchases online, without sacrificing quality . h4. Do not hesitate to contact us anytime, even just to request information, sending a mail to: . We will be happy to listen to you and offer you our advice! h4. FarmaNaturaShop offers you: h4. - Convenience : buy directly from home or office 24/24 every day. h4. - Convenience : discounted rates, and periodic offers. h4. - Excellent service: secure shopping and only original products. Your satisfaction is our concern. h4. - Ease of purchase: FarmaNaturaShop you makes life easier! Find everything you need to your health in a few clicks. Browse categories and add to cart the products you want, it is our care to ensure your purchases, providing traceable shipment and payments protected by the most innovative computer technology. Remember that before, during and after your purchase you can get all the assistance you need. Send us an email: you will always find a pharmacist at your disposal. h4. - The good deal of products and the best brands are synonymous with quality and reliability. h4. What are you waiting to explore our categories? h4. FarmaNaturaShop’s staff wish you happy surfing! h4. Customer Service:

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