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Confezione da 10 g


We talk about constipation in children when the infant does not download on a daily basis and , for the largest , if not discharged every two days. The causes can be of the most varied , such as childhood diseases or organic changes , but may also be of constitutional origin or psychological .
The presence of intestinal atony , hemorrhoids and pain in general , often accompanied by fl atulenza , makes it diffi cult the expulsion of feces , which normally appear hard and dry . Kindistip ® acts so in case of chronic constipation and obstinate , encouraging and assisting the evacuation of the bowel “lazy” to take back all of its normal functions . For older children it is recommended to use Kindistip ® alongside a balanced diet, especially rich in fiber and water.
directions :
Constipation, Chronic Constipation
Were acute : 5-7 globules dissolved in the mouth every 2-3 hours or in a little water .
With the diminishing of symptoms and in maintenance therapy : diminish the administration of up to 5-7 cells 3 times a day .
Give the product away from meals , to cycles if necessary.

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