Kindival ® is a homeopathic medicine sedative , designed especially for kids – even the little ones . The five remedies in this product exert a calming effect and help overcome the agitation and insomnia due to stress fi nature of physics ( for example, a cold shock ) or psychological after mental fatigue, or when the child has a ’ hyperexcitability to acoustic or visual stimuli . E ’ is indicated in cases of insomnia characterized by a marked hyperactivity , talkativeness and want to laugh and play. During moments of night watch , the child is able to calm down after a while ’ movement , but soon falls back into restlessness when the peace and quiet of the night. Insomnia can manifest itself mainly before midnight or after two in the morning , and is often accompanied by symptoms such as bruxism, rolling of the head and leg motor restlessness , tendency to cramps and neuralgia. Even the presence of fl atulenza type of acid indigestion and milk are valid references to the use of the product.
directions :
Agitation and insomnia or restless night of hyperactive children , but in itself joyful and peaceful with possible situations of capriciousness or mental or physical fatigue .
5-7 cells 3 times a day dissolved in the mouth or in a little water .
To promote sleep may be given an additional dose just before the baby lie down .
It is recommended to continue treatment for at least 2 weeks.
Give the product away from meals.
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