Canestest Self-Test for Vaginal Infections
If you’re unsure if you have bacterial vaginosis or thrush, we’ll help you to take control and diagnose yourself in just 10 seconds. We’ve developed an innovative and reliable self-test so you can determine which vaginal infection you are suffering from and treat it quickly and effectively. You only need to use a simple swab and a colour change will indicate reliably whether you are suffering from thrush or bacterial vaginosis.
Canestest: Confidence to choose the right treatment for you
Dealing with vaginal infections can make you feel less confident and less in control of your body, not to mention very uncomfortable. Canestest allows you independently diagnose yourself in the comfort of your home, quickly giving you results that are over 90% accurate. It’s a new and innovative solution that will put you back in control of your intimate health and give you the ability to choose the treatment you need to effectively deal with your infection.
Thrush vs. Bacterial Vaginosis
While both thrush and bacterial vaginosis (BV) are very common, they’re two different types of infections and you need to treat them differently. However, they are not always known and not always easy to identify. Thrush is caused by an overgrowth of the yeast (Candida albicans) which often leads to symptoms such as itchiness, soreness or a white discharge. BV is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria regularly found in your vagina. BV symptoms usually include a fishy odour and a greyish-white, watery discharge. With Canestest, you can test before you treat so you know you’re using the right treatment for your infection.
What is Canestest?
Canestest is a convenient self-test that helps you to find out whether you’re likely to suffer from thrush or BV and also guides you to choose the right treatment.. This technological breakthrough allows you to regain control of your intimate health – it’s over 90% accurate and it only takes 10 seconds to receive your diagnosis. The test itself is a simple, easy to use swab that changes colour indicating which vaginal infection you’re likely to suffer from.
How does Canestest work?
Your vagina normally has an acidic pH level – this keeps the good and bad bacteria that live in your healthy vagina in check. Any changes to your vaginal pH balance can cause and can also be an indication of vaginal infections such as BV. Canestest tells you if you have a relevant pH shift in your vagina and helps you to understand and diagnose the type of vaginal condition you’re likely to suffer from. A higher vaginal pH indicates that you may be suffering from BV while a normal vaginal pH means your symptoms are probably caused by thrush. Canestest has over 90% accuracy unlike a regular pH test, which wrongly diagnoses 1 out of 4 cases.
How do you use Canestest?
It’s easy and straightforward to use Canestest at home, in fact it’s similar to inserting a tampon and it shouldn’t cause you any discomfort. To get the most accurate results you need to make sure you don’t use Canestest less than one day before or after your period or if you have any signs of your period or vaginal bleeding. You also need to allow 12 hours after having sexual or vaginal douching.
Unwrap the Canestest swab (make sure the swab tip does not come into contact with anything before you insert it into your vagina)
Hold the Canestest swab by the handle and insert the yellow tip into your vagina, rotate the swab and then remove
After 10 seconds check the tip of the Canestest swab to see if the colour has stayed the same or changed to blue or green